December 11, 2007

Daft Recollections pt. 1

Logan slowly walked out of the circle of people, snickering to himself over his win. As he walked past Garion he dropped his war battered katana into the soft spring grass. Garion shook his head and looked over to Jared. Everyone in the circle did the same, waiting for the next contestants to fight.
Jared leaned over to Caleb next to him.
“What a fight,” He said softly, “especially for our first champion bear pit. Who’s next?”
“Well,” Caleb stood up and looked down at the names on the paper, “Its Peter, and… Ben.”
I Stood up from the line, katana in hand, and walked to the center of the bear pit. Ben walked lazily out of the pavilion, his katana in hand, straight into the circle, in front of me.
“BOW!” Jared yelled.
“This is how it was meant to be.” Ben said softly
“TAP!” Jared yelled.
“You can say it's fate.” Ben said softly
“HAJIME!” Jared yelled.
“A tale as old as time,” I replied to Ben, “A tale named Never5”
Ben shook his head at my words and smile coyly. Suddenly his grip tightened on the red wrap of his katana and he shifted his feet into position for his usual high stance. I instinctively angled my right foot and katana to the left. With everyone watching, in silence, we waited, waited for the right moment to strike.
“Hurry the fuck up.” Jared said out of nowhere.
I looked over at him, but then realized my fatal mistake. Ben was already in mid swing, there wasn’t a lot I could do. I swung my katana up to parry, knocking his blade back, and then swung in, twisting my wrist, striking his chest. Just as soon as it had started, it was over. I had won…

“It was a lucky shot.” Ben told me as we went for water.
“Should of went into your kappa stance,” I told him, ignoring his previous statement, “The fuck if anyone knows how to fight that.”
“I’m starting Never5 soon; I got the okay from Jared earlier today. I need you to be my second.”
“I can’t and you know that. Look at this group, when you leave, your going to take Garion, Logan, Chris, Jeff, and Katie. That’s not counting Aileen. Your going to take our best fighters.”
“That’s why I need you Pete, it will be the way Never5 was suppose to be.”
“And that’s the exact reason why I can’t leave…”
There was suddenly a loud cheer and applause, Both Ben and I looked over at the bear pit to see Garion angrily throw his katana outside the circle, and then to Logan, standing in the center with a wide grin on his face.
“Look,” Ben said softly, “If you ever change your mind, Never5 is gonna need a champion.”
I sighed and walked toward the bear pit.
“Do it for the brothers,” Cody yelled from over at the grill
“You're not black.” I yelled back.
“Blacker than you.” He replied, returning to his work with the food.
I walked silently into the circle of friends, and family, and prepared myself for the upcoming battle.
“You're going to lose.” Logan told me as I looked over at him, I shook my head in disagreement.
“You can do it Zooma.” Ben told me, as I looked over my shoulder at my best friend, “Never5”
“Are you ready?” Jared asked me.
“Now I am,” I replied…


Anonymous said...

Editor...Please leave this blog JUST THE WAY IT IS!!! It's too funny to change. It's a wonderful story...and just the grammar gave it that comical touch. I love it. Cheers!!!!

Freak said...

I'll leave the grammar errors, just for you :P, but I MUST fix the spelling mistakes.

Freak said...

this was very well written
made me miss cody lol

Zooma said...

What!? there are no spelling mistakes.

Freak said...

lolz psyche, of course there were...i fixed em already :P

Anonymous said...

i don't remember it quite like that, but it's still a good story...
oh, and it was tengu, not kappa

Anonymous said...

it's good.

Anonymous said...

Ahh the good ol' day right before the forming of the Legendary Never5.