March 17, 2008


Let me start by saying I was actually excited for this quest, but deep down inside I knew, Oh I knew that it was going to be a stand around and le the Monsters and Garion kill us game.

Deep down, every battle game is a let Garion kill us game.

So knowing this I kinda forced my way into being a monster. I did this for two reasons, one, I wanted to have fun, and two, I really wanted to use imolation.

I don't know about anyone else, but I had fun, sacrificing victims was awsome, I also took a long, long nap in the volcano.

But the things that I did notice were pretty bad. One, The effect use of feeblemind right out side the forest.

Feeblemind was way, way too big, and that was a problem, cause people were using it to win.

Also, no one was playing by the rules. Sue I'll admit it, I had a few too many deaths, but god damn, when I walking to Jeff to ask him a question about his new phone, don't run up and hit me in the back. Its pretty damn obvious that I'm on hold when I have no weapon in my hand walking to someone who (gasp) also has no weapon in their hand, but a cell phone instead.

I sure as hell didn't take that death.

It was our first Quest, but it really wasn't a quest, I'm pretty sure that quests have goals, and because it didn't have a goal, it was pretty much a large failure.


Anonymous said...

Perfection!!!! I wish I was there to see such.....perfection

Anonymous said...

That was my first "Quest" so I really have nothing to say but...INTERESTING. Tom was funny though, killing people just to ressurect them 20 seconds later.


Unknown said...

Too bad quests don't have to have a goal Peter. Aside from problems due to the fact we NEVER had one before I think it was okay. Just because you played like a punk doesn't mean it was a bad quest.